Boy, if you can still find a 912 for $8500, snap it up--if you decide
against the Europa, you can probably sell it to one of us!
To put it very simply, for a really nice Europa, you probably won't have
too much change left over from $45,000 unless you're a good scrounger
and/or have some parts (instruments, avionics, etc.) already on hand.
If you go for fancy instruments and avionics (heavy!), etc., the
sky's the limit. Here's a very rough breakdown:
Kit, complete: ca. 23,000 depending on price increases
shipping: 1,500 or so depending on where you live and
on whether you get everything at once
tools: 1,500 incl. resin pump
paint: 2,500 for a professional job
instruments: 3,000
avionics (basic) 3,000 (comm, VFR gps, transponder, headsets)
upholstery 700
trailer (opt) 2,500
engine 8,500
prop 500 or so, fixed pitch--way more for variable
People don't build Europas to save money--you could get an old
Bonanza for less! We build them because (a) a Europa is what we want,
and (b) building it is what we want to do. Hope you join us!