Having limited space nearby, I have been in the habit putting the aircraft on
the trailer without the wings attached. Although I use dummy wing spars with
stabilising wheels, these have to be removed to run the wheel up the ramp.
At this time the aircraft is laterally unstable and one must be careful to
avoid runaway - certainly not a job for one, or even two people with safety.
Once on the trailer the hinged arms for the carrrying the wings can provide
some lateral stability, especially if you add padded filler blocks at the
top, but they are not designed for sideway loads. Mine have certainly bent,
and I have beard of a case where one departed completely in transit. Welding
plates across the bottom improves this situation.
I have moved the hinge of the ramp forward) to allow better overlap on the
u/c arm but it is still pretty small. I understand this is due to an
increase in the tyre size since the trailer was designed. Straps at least
should be used around the u/c arm to prevent bouncing but it might be better
to add side plates at the top large enough to allow a cross-bar trapping
the u/c arm from above. The tail is also very light without crew aboaord
and strapping down is again virtually essential.
With everything secure the trailer travels very well. It is well balanced and
the wedge disposition of the wings seems to stablise it in the airstream and
minimise drag. With the prop on backwards it would make quite a dragster
Graham C.