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Cowl/Bulkhead screws & other irritants

Subject: Cowl/Bulkhead screws & other irritants
From: Alan Stewart <>
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 1997 10:14:54

......having an electric screwdriver helps, but it takes an age to get
to parts of the aircraft that need frequent checking. Specifically,
I'm talking about the screws on the top cowl of the engine bay, and the ones
attaching the rear bulkhead cover on the back wall of the baggage area.

Has anyone investigated alternatives ??

How about the screws that tighten and lock with a single, 90 degree turn ?
Anyone know what they're called & where to get them ? Would any changes 
require PFA approval ?

Obviously, a cowl which departs the aircraft in flight is not a desireable 
scenario. I wouldn't suggest anything which compromised cowl security, but 
surely quick and easy access to the engine bay has to be a plus point
---From the point of view of regular inspections ?

Alan Stewart (BWFX)

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