>> Also are there any reasons not to drill the plastic to
accept clecos , for securing during setting.<<
Yes. Clecos are unneccessary and will tend to act as crack starters. If a door
accidentally bangs shut, for instance, it might initiate a crack.
Get hold of at least 6 long luggage straps, the type used to hold your
windsurfer on your car roof, trial fit the door screens one at a time using the
straps right round the fuselage to hold each doorscreen in place. Where
necessary you can place wedges to push down any edges that stand proud. BTW the
door needs to be locked shut, but you knew that ;-) of course. When happy, go
for it with the Redux. One door at a time. The front screen can be done the same
way, more or less.
The door shoot bolts work better if you put a second set of bushes (like the
ones provided for the doors) into the door surrounds.