>Being an inquisitive sort of person I recently placed my two aileron cores
on top of each other just to see if they had the same washout (which they
did). What surprised me was that the port aileron was 7mm longer than the
port aileron. After some head scratching I examined the cores carefully and
sure enough, the main aileron cores are of different length.
Why does that not suprise me, You should see the state of our leading edge
cores, I haven't even looked at the aileron cores yet.
Just as a matter of interest, did any of the early builders have core
distortions, or is this a more recent thing. I wasn't going to say anything
at first, but it is really begining to slow us down now, what with the
various attempts to straighten the outer and mid leading eadge cores.
Indeed, can you straighten them by applying a counter distortion in the
opposite direction to the warp and leave them for a period of time, because
pulling them straight and applying lashings of micro is not working very
well. They just ping back. Basically it means that we are going to have to
do one hell of a lot of filling on the wing surface, which I was hoping to
avoid by using peel ply over the whole surface and just filling local
Still with my little gripe out of the way I think that I am still enjoying
Keep building people
//// Eddie Hatcher //// Kit 279 /////
//// South East London Flying Group /////
//// bizzarro@easynet.co.uk /////