>Can I please get an official opinion on the acceptability of filling the
>slots in the tailplane cores as a single stage, requiring peelply ontop
>before it goes off? This same query would also apply to whether the bond
>between the floxed area above the tailplane rib, squeegeed down with cling
>wrap before the skin layup, would be acceptable to also peelply and skin
>later? I am not keen in doing all the glasswork including this job in one
>go. I filled the fin's cores and the tip filling as a single stage, and to
>do it well without spreading dry micro all over my cores took me the best
>part of the full 1 1/2 hours that the entire layup job is supposed to take.
>If someone can clarify the factories direct e-mail address for technical
>enquiries I would appreciate it. I keep getting returned mail to the address
>I am using.
Blocking the lightening hole slots and allowing the micro to cure is
acceptable provided you mask the surrounding foam to prevent micro getting
onto it.
When you come to do the microing, first mix dry micro and block the slots.
Some will go onto the foam adjacent to the slots, which is o.k.. Then
dilute the remainder to make slurry and cover the remaining foam. This way
you don't need to be too fussy about where the micro ends up. Microing a
tailplane surface should take no more than 10 - 15 minutes.
I would not recommend you treat the outboard rib flox in the same manner
though. Yes, you would still have a mechanical bond but there would be no
chemical bond at the interaface between flox and skin.
The only e-mail address is enquiries@europa-aviation.co.uk. The messages
are separated out to the separate departments once they are here.
Web Site at www.europa-aviation.co.uk
Fax No 44 1751 431706