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Automatic flight logging from the undercarriage

Subject: Automatic flight logging from the undercarriage
Date: Wed, 9 Apr 1997 03:36:03
How many times have you said to your co-pilot/passenger, "did you get the
take-off( landing) time ?   If you are going for any sort of on-board storage
system, this can readily be provided by a u/c down switch. Whether you
provide a green light is up to you. I have in fact made it a  "gate engaged"
switch in view of a recent "event" (not for me to elaborate) .  This is very
easily fitted by mounting it on a plate secured to the aft screw holding the
gate plate onto the tunnel.  (I will not plug  coupling to the ground
proximity sensor after the response at Gloucester,  but that's there too.)

No  doubt eventually light a/c black boxes at a  price will appear to record
most of  the data we now have to put on paper in aircraft logbooks (with the
associated errors and omissions). But that is a piecemeal approach. Fly a
 p.c. and you can add all these things as soon as you  wire up access  to the
appropriate sensors ( and of course write the software).

Graham C.

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