>In a message dated 09/04/97 10:32:09, you write:
>><< Is there an "unthought of" disadvantage in keeping an aluminium
> straight edge attached to my rudders hinge flange and trailing edge during
>>Any suitably stiff member will keep it straight but the problem is stopping
>it curling inwards. Didn't have problem with the rudder, but in spite of a
>massive beam on the fin edge it turned inwards and reduced the closeout
>width, with fatal consequences to the rudder entry. Perhaps you are are past
>this bit but if not , make up a closeout template in ply to set the width
>all the way down. That's what I had to do to restore mine.
>>Graham C.
Gidday Graham,
Do you mean to install a ply closeout template just inside the trailing edge
of the fin, where the foam closeout block is attached? If so I imagine you
simply dug out enough foam to insert it. Am I on the right track? By the
way, the massive beam you speak of, did you attach it with double sided
tape, and did it stand up to the postcure temperatue OK?
Tony Renshaw
Builder No236