Re: GPS article
/I just read your article on GPS's. I've been
/told by some pilots that the "boater" GPS's are
/only accurate for slower moving vehicles.
Only by pilots that have not taken the time
to find out for themselves. The "slow" receivers
are just as accurate as the fast ones, they're
simply limited in software from displaying any
speeds above a certain value to discourage pilots
from taking advantage of lower cost receveivers
and forcing them to buy the more expensive models.
/In fact, the speed 100 knots was mentioned by more
/than one pilot as the maximum speed at which the
/boater GPS's would function properly.
NOT TRUE witht the GPS2000 which tracks and displays
speeds through 500 kts. I got a letter from a corporate
pilot a few weeks ago who told me he never flys his
boss anywhere in their Kingair without the GPS2000
laying up on the glare shield looking at satilites
out the window . . . he said it was the most
accurate piece of navigation equipment in the cockpit!
/As I am inclined to spend my hard earned money on
/more important things (such as flying), the $600 -
/$800 for a GPS has been 'out of the question' for me.
/However, $200 sounds very reasonable for the features
/you address in your article.
Now, Wal-Mart stores stock them at $150 as the regular
price and they were on sale here locally a few weeks
ago for $138.
/It is because of this I write to you to ask if your research
/uncovered any speed limitations for the GPS2000? And
/also: In what aircraft have you tested it?
I've personally flown it in a few high wing Cessnas. I've
loaned my own receiver out to an RV-6 pilot and a Bonanza
pilot. Both reported good utility. NOW, remember that
this little guy has to see sky . . . it can't mount on your
control yoke and pretend like it's a big feller. In the
Cessnas I've flown, I stuck a little patch of velcro on
the cowl deck and put a mating piece on the bottom of
my receiver. In this case, the receiver can set up where
I can see the face all the time. In other rented ships,
I just lay it face up on the cowl deck and pick it up
from time to time to see what it says . . . it takes
me more than 20 minutes to get lost so I don't need
100% heads-up service from the receiver display.
Most important, since it's offered by Wal-Mart with
a no-hassles return policy, go try it for yourself.
It's a no-risk experiment.
/Thank you very much,
You're most welcom!
Bob . . .
AeroElectric Connection
(o o)
| |
| Go ahead, make my day . . . |
| Show me where I'm wrong. |