Rowland -
The example FAQ lists would be useful - it is something that I look at from
time to time and will get finished.
Good news about the workshop, 32ft is an aircraft hangar! My workshop ended
up at 22ft.
The workshop turned out to be a major project in construction and took a
lot of my time early in the year. I was determined to get it finished
completely before starting the Europa. My main aims were to create an
environment that was comfortable to work in, and with good insulation. With
an outside temperature of 5C the temperature drops about 1deg per hour from
21C, so a small heater via a digital thermostat keeps the temperature at
21C +/- 0.5 for laying up and curing.
Unfortunately my dear wife noted the care and attention to detail and
subsequently came up with a list of jobs around the house that would
benefit from the same treatment!
House rules were soon worked out amicably with "family time" and "Europa
time" decided and construction started in earnest at Easter. I find
building relaxing and very enjoyable to the extent that "getting it
finished 'itis" does not exist.
Over the next few weeks I'll put some photographs on the Web with some
notes of my experiences for those that follow. It wont be up to Tony's
splendid site, but every bit helps
Also to follow, some digital "secondary" instruments, possibly in kit form,
for those of us that have to watch the pence. But that is a little while
All the best