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Grounds and Demagnetizing

Subject: Grounds and Demagnetizing
From: Robert L. Nuckolls III <>
Date: Thu, 1 May 1997 23:54:50
 /1) You said in your last message that only a few local grounds were
 /   needed, e.g.  landing and nav lights.  Other than some extra weight,
 /   what would the pros and cons be of running a wire back from these to
 /   the common firewall ground, so they don't even have local ground?

    You can certianly do this but I don't see any particular need
    or advantage. Remote loads such as landing lights, pitot heat
    and nav lights are neither potential victims nor antagonists
    for noise issues so the parallel feed and return paths are of
    no utility. If you had a flux gate compass in wing, you MIGHT
    want to run parallel paths for goodies that pass by . . . 

    Further, total loads for all these things is pretty nominal. As
    long as critical items such as radios and audio systems are common
    grounded behind the panel, the few amps of remote grounded
    items are insignificant.

 /2) Regarding demagnitizing -- I recently completed my canopy (sliding)
 /   but still haven't done final attachment of the windscreen.  Do you
 /   think it would be worthwhile for me to get the roll bar demagnetized
 /   now while it's easy to take it off and take it somewhere where they
 /   have the equipment?  I know it's possible to get the equipment and do
 /   it in place, but I think it would be easier (and probably cheaper) to
 /   just take it somewhere. Do you even think it's worthwhile to do if you
 /   don't have a known problem? And what about the canopy frame?

   You can demagnetize this type of structure very nicely with a Radio
   Shack hand held bulk video tape demagnetizer.  Has there been a
   history of compass problems caused by canopy frames?  I've not been
   privy to any.  I think you're safe in making the installation and
   waiting to see if you have compass problems later . . . they're not
   hard to chase out with the device I mentioned.

   Bob . . .

   If I did this now, is there much chance of magnetism building back up
   again from subsequent work?  I don't know that much about how
   magnetism builds up.

Randall Henderson

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