Hi all
For anyone who is interested, I have been to Popham microlight show today,
and Jabiru were there with their 4 stroke 80 horse power engine. I didn't
actually get to go up in their aircraft but taxiing and takeoff were very
quiet from outside. The workmanship on the engine looked very impressive. It
weighs about 50 lbs lighter than a 912 (no need to start that diet just
yet), and costs a damn sight less to buy and maintain. There is a Europa
group installing one in Sussex near Gatwick so I will be monitering them
I think this might be the engine for me, but, if anyone knows a good reason
why I shouldn't go for a Jabiru, please say so before I get over excited and
buy one.
//// Eddie Hatcher //// Kit 279 /////
//// South East London Flying Group /////
//// bizzarro@easynet.co.uk /////