.By the way this is a usefull builders forum but are there any
>Europa flyers out there ,a pool of operating experiences would be
>Mike Smith Europa 39.
Does anyone out there feel that it might be useful to start a Europa Pilots
Group? There are now a few of us who are actually flying Europas who might
share experiences - pleasant or otherwise - with fellow Europa pilots. This
would possibly be of benefit to ourselves and of interest to potential
Europa fliers. (I now have a MASSIVE 15 hours!!)
As building has ceased to be a particular interest of mine I now find I look
more for mail about actual flying experiences. Of course, some experiences
may nor necessarily be happy ones. Should these be related via a Newsgroup
which can be accessed by POTENTIAL Europa fliers? Might some of these
experiences put them off rushing to finish their building projects? Most
will certainly encourage them to push forward relentlessly!! Interesting?
Comments, anyone???
Mark Talbot (Europa G-BWCV)