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Re: GLASTARNET: Switch on Turn Coordinator?

Subject: Re: GLASTARNET: Switch on Turn Coordinator?
From: Larry W. Johnson <>
Date: Mon, 26 May 1997 23:55:50
Larry W. Johnson, wrote:

  I can't tell from the address's just who posted this question but it
does warrant additional comments.

Robert L. Nuckolls, III wrote:

>  /One question. Should the electric Turn Coordinator
>  /have its own off and on switch, or should it always
>  /go on with the Master?
>    Never seen a reason to turn it off. The T/C is
>    sort of like audio amplifiers, Hobbs meters,
>    engine instruments, etc. They should be on ANY
>    time the system is powered up . . .

   True the T/C is normally on whenever the Master is on but there are
exceptions,A pilot performing aerobatics will usually turn of the T/C
while performing to cut down on wear and tear from excess G-Forces.

>  /I am using fuse blocks, so it can be turned off by
>  /pulling the correct fuse in the Vital power panel.
>    Arrrgghhhh! you're going to fiddle with fuses
>    in flight!!!!! . . . . I gotta go get a asprin!

  True,not necessary but I don't think it will give you or anyone else a
headache.With 3000 plus hours I have changed a few fuses and reset as
many circuit breakers.Sometimes you just can't wait until you get the
bird on the ground.

Larry Johnson - 5287
>     Regards,
>     Bob . . .
>     AeroElectric Connection
>                    ////
>                   (o o)
>     |                               |
>     |  Go ahead, make my day . . .  |
>     |   Show me where I'm wrong.    |

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