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Fuses/Breakers in flight?

Subject: Fuses/Breakers in flight?
From: Robert L. Nuckolls III <>
Date: Tue, 27 May 1997 11:33:59
        Kitfox List <>

 /I am using fuse blocks, so it can be turned off by 
 /pulling the correct fuse in the Vital power panel.

  Arrrgghhhh! you're going to fiddle with fuses
  in flight!!!!! . . . . I gotta go get a asprin!

 >True,not necessary but I don't think it will give you or 
 >anyone else a headache.With 3000 plus hours I have changed a 
 >few fuses and reset as many circuit breakers.Sometimes you 
 >just can't wait until you get the bird on the ground.

   Agreed . . . in most certified airplanes, the electrical
   system is so cumbersome and ill-designed that the pilot
   has no choice but to deal with inflight electrical systems
   issues.  We're talking about amateur built airplanes now.
   We can eliminate all of the little deamons that have plagued
   the carved-in-stone-certified ships for about 40 years.

   I'll suggest that the optimally configured flight system will
   NEVER present a situation to a pilot requiring any sort of
   fiddling with breakers and fuses in flight. Our system confguration
   recommendations have evolved over ten years of one-on-one
   communications with hundreds of builders. Rather than seek
   out holy-grail of design philosophy with a goal of
   certification, we've constantly tweaked, evaluated, and analysed
   the failure modes to the extent that inflight fiddling is
   eliminated . . . as far as we know right now . . . if some new
   problem shows up; wonder of wonders, we'll FIX it! At Cessna,
   Beech, Piper and Mooney, a committee of 20 will debate the
   issue for weeks and trade off perceived value, governmental
   edicts and market forces before deciding to assign another
   committee to study the problem some more.  I know it sounds
   ridiculous but belive me, that's the way it works in aviation's
   jurassic parks.  I've attended several such meetings myself
   in the past two weeks.  It's sure refreshing to come home and
   be able to slay the dragons as they hatch out instead of waiting
   for them to grow up before joining the battle.


    Bob . . . 
    AeroElectric Connection
                  (o o)
    |                               |
    |  Go ahead, make my day . . .  |
    |   Show me where I'm wrong.    |

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