>Gidday again, and I will be brief,
>There is a groundswell of people wanting more from the forum than its
>original intent, to help each other throughout the build and "negate the
>tyranies of distance, and STD/ISD phone charges". This, by the way is their
>right, because these more advanced builders, now fliers, are the ones that
>instigated this forum in the first place.
>There is a simple fix that the likes of us new to the forum do now anyway,
>and that is to simply file the flying technique messages elsewhere. So why
>don't we simply use a Subject "Flying", and everyone knows the body of the
>message without having to necessarily open each and every message.
>Tony Renshaw
>Builder No.236
Good idea! I agree. It would be pointless to start another Newsgroup just
for those who are now flying.
Mark Talbot (Europa G-BWCV)