Thanks for the tip. I was actually aware of that one, but have only done the
rudder closeout sofar which I felt may have required the flexibility in the
BID to negotiate the tip and root part of the closeout where I brought the
closeout cloth up the inside of the existing skins. Would 2 plies of wetted
out closeout cloth have still bent up into these areas? I look forward to
using your method on the tailplane closeout scheduled for the not too
distant future.
In my note to the wannabee builder, I wanted to create a realistic
understanding and to that end I may have used a slight bit of poetic licence
with my comparisons. My assumption of it taking longer to profile a Europa
rather than some of the moulded construction a/c surprises me that I am
incorrect as you put it, but my point about the amount of dedication to
"boring" tasks was more the message.
Could you uplink the bits you have for sale please Graham? Like Europa
Aviation, I feel that in the fullness of time I will be parting with a few
of my dollars, especially the tailplane attachment closeout panel.
Tony Renshaw
Builder No.236
>Reply to Tony Renshaw.
>The early fast glass kits like Glasair (the best ) and Lancair required lots of
>hours to finish. I was involved in finishing G-TRUK the first UK Glasair and it
>took well over 4000 hours. Flies well though.
>Foam and glass wings take less time to build, believe me. No doubt our leader
>will eventually come up with a quick way of building wings.
>BTW the way I do close outs is to lay up the 3 plies of BID on cling film (on
>the bench) then carry the whole lot to the job and lay it in place, film out of
>course, pushing most of the air out. Peel off the film and stipple finally to
>remove all the air and get the cloth into place. Easy {{;-)