In a message dated 02/06/97 07:25:29, you write:
<< The scenery in the Highlands is spectacular. It makes such a change from
the familiar. >>
Seems a pity to fly long routes out and back in a day. Leaves little time to
make more short distance explorations unless you really like the confines of
the cockpit all the time. Tends to push the daylight availability too. I
would be happy to offer PPR overnight stops to any crews venturing up here,
and would be happy to help as guide if required. I suspect my first flights
will be due south where I could use the same type of offer. Perhaps some
entries could be added to the Europa database on these lines and a selected
list outuput (Rowland ?) It would be nice to have the comfort of knowing
where to get backup, fuel, trailers, etc. if anything goes wrong too.
BTW the E. of Scotland Strut welcomes all Europa fliers to its "Festival
Fly-in", week end of Aug. 15-17th at Kirknewton Airfield, 5 miles from
Edinburgh. Briefing notes will be sent. Contact Graham Linney (not another
Graham ! (:-))) on 0131 441 6984 , work 0131 244 3957 or email
Graham C.
Graham C.