Having at last come to contemplate the reality of long distance touring in
the Eurupa (Rotax powered) I find that only one airfield is listed in Pooleys
as having Mogas, and then only in emergencies ! It is very unsettling to have
to contemplate finding people at distant airfields with transport,
containers and time, to retrieve fuel from petrol stations which may or may
not be nearby.
One cannot even carry empty containers sufficient for serious refuelling
without taking up all of the baggage space. There is one possible way out of
this bit, that is to construct a large lightweight container to fit through
the "D" at the back of the baggage compartment. As it would always be
empty, the slight aft shift C.of G.. would in most cases be easily allowed
for, or even cancelled by the following.
Cut out the elephants trunk and put the filler at waist level, thus saving
hoisting fuel containers up in the air. The piece cut out could be fitted
with a funnel and carried in the car, for those cases where you want to fill
up when the wings are on the trailer.
Graham C. ( G-EMIN the air ! )