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Flying Lessons

Subject: Flying Lessons
From: Tony Krzyzewski <>
Date: Thu, 19 Jun 1997 10:24:48

For those following my build log I thought you might like to see my training 
log as well :-)

> Learning how to fly!
>      WEEK 1
> Monday: Rain.
> Tuesday: Rain.
> Wednesday:  No rain; no visibility either.
> Thursday:  Take instructor to lunch.  Discover I don't know 
> enough to take instructor to lunch.
> Friday:  FLY!  Do first stall and second stall during same
> maneuver, cover instructor with lunch.
>      WEEK 2
> Monday:  Learned not to scrape frost off plexiglass with
> ice-scraper.  Used big scratches as marker to set pitch.
> Tuesday:  Instructor wants me to stop calling throttle "THAT 
> BIG KNOB THING." Also hates when I call instruments "GADGETS".
> Wednesday:  Radios won't pick up radio stations, so I turn them
> off.  Instructor seems to think I missed something.
> Thursday:  Learned 10 degree bank is not a steep turn.  Did
> stall again today.  Lost 2000 feet.   Instructor said that was 
> some kind of record. -- My first compliment.
> Friday:  Did steep turn.  Instructor said I was not ready for
> inverted flight yet.
>      WEEK 3
> Monday:  Instructor called in sick.  New instructor told me to
> stop calling her "BABE".  Did steep turns.  She said I had to 
> have permission for inverted flight.
> Tuesday:  Instructor back.  He told me to stop calling him
> "BABE", too.  He got mad when I pulled power back on takeoff
> because the engine was too loud.
> Wednesday:  Instructor said after the first 20 hours, most
> students have established a learning curve.  He said there was 
> a slight bend in mine.  A-ha--progress!
> Thursday:  Did stalls.  Clean recovery.  Instructor said I did 
> a good job.  Also did turns around a point.  Instructor warned 
> me never to pick ex-fiance's house as point again.
> Friday:  Did pattern work.  Instructor said that if downwind,
> air base, and final approach formed a triangle, I would be 
> perfect. More praise!
>      WEEK 4
> Monday:  First landing at a controlled field.  Did fine until I
> told the captain in the 747 ahead of us on taxiway to move his
> bird.  Instructor says we'll have ground school all this week 
> on radio procedures.
> Tuesday:  Asked instructor if everyone in his family had turned
> gray at such an early age.  He smiled.  We did takeoff stalls.  
> He says I did just fine but to wait until we reach altitude 
> next time.
> Three Niner Juliet will be out of the shop in three days when 
> the new strut and tire arrive.  Instructor says his back 
> bothers him only a little.
> Wednesday:  Flew through clouds.  I thought those radio towers
> were a lot lower.  I'm sure my instructor is going grey.
> Thursday:  Left flaps down for entire flight.  Instructor asked
> why.  I told him I wanted the extra lift as a safety margin.  
> More ground school.
> Friday:  Asked instructor when I could solo.  I had never seen
> anyone actually laugh until they cried before.


Tony Krzyzewski
Managing Director  Ph 64 9 358 9124
Kaon Technologies  Fx 64 9 358 9127
New Zealand

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