The latest Europa Aviation newsletter gives details of the wings. Off the top
of my head (as my newsletter is at home) I believe they are 43 ft long and of
a thinner section. The flaps have been replaced by speed brakes. They will
reputedly give a 26(29?) : 1 glide ratio though I don't know at what speed -
a factor that becomes important when you are trying to tuck into a thermal
and stand on a wing tip.
From: ALLEN Peter <>
Subject: The long wings
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 1997 13:20:00 +1200
> Hi from sunny but chilly Melbourne,
> I was at the Victoria/Tasmania meeting of the SAAA (Aussie equivalent of
> the PFA, EAA) the other day and there was some discussion/questions
> about the development of the glider wings.
> I have been given the task of asking this news group, if anyone has any
> information/tech. spec's/photo's/gossip on the wings, and reporting it
> back to them. Any news?
> Unsubstantiated speculation will do, I'm not proud.
> Thanks in advance
> Peter Allen
> Bored Chartered Accountant
---------------End of Original Message-----------------
Tony Krzyzewski
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