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Re: All This Bl...dy Undeliv!!!!

Subject: Re: All This Bl...dy Undeliv!!!!
From: Tony Krzyzewski <>
Date: Wed, 25 Jun 1997 15:59:45
Welcome to the world of mailing lists. 

Yes, Avnet can delete the guy off the list and I am sure somebody has already 
asked them to do that.

The reason we all get the bounced mail is that the receiving mail system can 
only send the failed delivery message to the sender, in this case Because is set up as a mail list 
server it automatically sends the failed message to everyone of us on the 

For some real fun, from my list of how to drive internet users mad, you 
should get two mail sites that do this to each other repeatedly. Then the non 
delivery messages go up exponentially and eventually kill both mail systems. 
Keeps sysadmins busy for hours when that happens :-)

Back to important (ie airplane) things....

I can thoroughly recommend the Renshaw Shears for glass cutting. Thanks Tony.


  From: Tony Renshaw <>
  Subject: All This Bl...dy Undeliv!!!! 
  Date: Wed, 25 Jun 1997 15:29:48 +1200 

> Gidday,
> OK I am sure I am not the only one to be inundated with this stuff. I must
> have just downloaded about 20 out of 40 messages "all undelivered Mail", 
> it wasn't mine? Why is it so, and who knows how to Shut it Up!! This is the
> e-mail address I keep getting. Cant we ask Avnet to scrub this guy or
> something???
> carl reynaud AT RAY_RMC_NAUTECH@EO
> Regards
> Tony Renshaw

---------------End of Original Message-----------------

Tony Krzyzewski
Managing Director  Ph 64 9 358 9124
Kaon Technologies  Fx 64 9 358 9127
New Zealand

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