email address etc. in the header is usually hidden (most folks don't want
to look at it). If you need to see this info in IE go to the File pull
down and pick properties with the message you want to look at selected.
Then click on the details tab and all the header info is right in front of
I use to support this stuff for Microsoft on the NT operating system, thru
Wang Labs contract, so no stock options (rats!)
> From: Edward Gladstone <>
> Subject: email address
> Date: Sunday, June 29, 1997 7:40 AM
> Graham Singleton wrote:-
> >>Anyone know Tony Renshaw's Email address?
> The header at the top of ALL my messages show about half a page of info
as to
> where they originate ---- do you not receive this info ? If not please
> me how to turn it off --- It's driving me mad!!
> For Tony's message the header was as follows:-
> by (8.8.5/2.0) with ESMTP id TAA11798;
> using -f
> Date: Sun, 29 Jun 1997 09:51:19 +1000 (EST)
> <<----------------I TAKE IT THAT THIS IS HIS EMAIL ADDRESS --Ted
> From: Tony Renshaw <>
> Subject: Aussie Chat
> >As usual a few jokes came my way. Can't beat a good lawyer joke.
> >
> >
> Ted.