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RE: Stall Warning

Subject: RE: Stall Warning
From: paul tucker <>
Date: Wed, 2 Jul 1997 18:07:24
>> My Inspector encourages me to design and build a stall warning myself -
>> after we looked at the spare part prices (> 2.000,-- DM !!!!)
>> I'm considering something like I've seen on Pipers. As far as I can see,
>> a little tongue sticking out under the wing leading edge at the right
>> position and the right angle, operating a micro-switch, would do it.
>> Now, I know I'm a hopeless optimist, but I can not see what's wrong 
>> this. On the other hand, the price Piper asks must have a reason. .What
>> am I missing??

I looked at finding a replacement for the Piper switch. It is a Honeywell 
microswitch, but its one difference from the switches in the RS catalogues 
at 5 to 10 pounds a go is that the switch operates by lifting the operating 
arm, rather than depressing it. There is only one manufacturer of switches 
that work this way round - and a sales agreement to only sell to 
Safeflight. Thus the very high charge in the UK. With the right spring 
force, I cannot see why a PFA aircraft cannot fit a switch "upside down" so 
that a standard switch operates in the correct sense. It is advisable to 
only have a common and a normally open terminal in order to remove the 
chance of incorrect connection.

The switches fail due to dirt on the contacts. I have heard of persons 
dismantling the switches and cleaning the contacts in order to avoid a high 
replacement cost. Not allowed on a Public Cat aircraft of course.
Paul Tucker 

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