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Re: Noise measurements

Subject: Re: Noise measurements
From: Europa <>
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 10:53:43
>As part of my work with the PFA and CAA I am investigating the question of
>noise standards and the objective measurement of noise.
>I noticed how quiet the Europa was during the flypast at the PFA rally. Do
>you have any independent noise measurements, such as those required by the
>German authorities for the grant of a noise certificate? I believe these
>tests involve a flight overhead at maximum power and weight and no doubt
>other measurements. If the Europa has been tested against this standard I
>would be interested to know the results as the aircraft clearly shows what
>can be achieved.
>Colin Mitchell (PFA Exec Committee)

A noise evaluation on the Europa was carried out by Dave Goddard of
Slingsby Aviation, a CAA approved test engineer, which found that it
complies with BCAR N4-3, BCAR N4-4, JAR36 and FAR36.

The report states that the German and Swiss requirements are satisfied.

I would expect that the PFA already have a copy of the report; if not
please let me know.


Andy Draper

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