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Re: VHF Antenna help wanted

Subject: Re: VHF Antenna help wanted
From: Ember <>
Date: Mon, 28 Jul 1997 21:02:07
Jerry wrote:
> There was some good talk on antennas a few weeks back.
> Assuming someone wants a simple quarter wave antenna (dare I say whip).

> Is the radiator material critical?               No

> Is the radiator wire diameter critical?       No

> Is the method of attachment of the Co-ax to the radiator critical?       No
[but personally I much prefer a soldered joint with appropriate strain
relief to a plug and socket which may well get moisture inside it
eventually and turn into a resistor/rectifier]

> Am I correct in believing that an airband antenna is best kept vertical?    
> Yes

> Do bent antennas (like Gulf Coast's AV-534) loose much?          No

> Is the position of the bend critical?       No

> I guesse the last can be tried with an SWR?      Probably not worth the time

> Interested in real solutions.        The only kind worth while !

> Hypothetical postulations of losses of 0.1 % are probably not crucial in my
> rather less than perfect world.          Or anywhere else !

        Coincidentally, this evening I have just finished installing a 2m
amateur transciever in my car which covers also the aircraft band
[receive only].   From inside the garage, with a quarter wave whip on
top of the car, [originally cut for a commercial frequency of about
150Mhz.] I can hear the tower at Piarco International, some eight miles
away.    Matching is not critical.


                        Martin     9Y4TAM

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