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Re: Europa

Subject: Re: Europa
From: Europa <>
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 12:05:25
>>I know this probably has already been discussed but I could find no
>>mention in the archives. (I did check first) I have heard that a new
>>version of the Europa has been developed. Called the XS I think. I was
>>wondering if someone would be kind enough to direct me to where I can
>>find information on the Internet on this plane or to post (repost?) a
>>explanation of this Europa. I am familiar with the original Europa as a
>>comparison basis.
>>Thanks in advance
>>Dear Mr Cutler

Thank you for your interest in our Europa aircraft.
We have now sold over 425 kits worldwide and 55 customer built Europas are
already flying with several more due to fly shortly.
As you mentionned it in your email we have now launched our latest model,
the Europa XS, and I think that Mr Bauman forwarded to you the email I sent
him not long ago. I hope this has answered most of your enquiries. However,
should you require further details, please do not hesitate to contact me as
I will be delighted to help.
Here are Europa's complete details :
Europa Aviation Ltd                        Tel: 01751 431 773
Unit 2A, Dove Way,                        Fax: 01751 431 706
Kirby Mills Industrial Estate

Thanks again for your interests

Kindest regards
Lauren Charvet
Sales & Marketing Manager

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