Dear all
Sorry about this but lately a no' of people have been sending
Emails with attached files. I do not know why? perhaps it is cool? but often
they give no clue in the file name as to it's type no designator so it is not
always possible to read it. I have, with some waste of time and effort
managed to read some of them and they have all been text so why attach text
to text? it ain,t cheaper? is it? if they were graphics , drawings or
suchlike I could understand it. One of them gave me real grief for about 3
weeks I was getting dumped off my connection with a curt Long file tr
message. Greek to me (and Pete Thomas my favourite guru). Now Graham
Singleton is having troubles with a virus which he believes may have come
with an attached file. Please exscuse this note I know this forum is supposed
to sort out aeroplane (Europa) not computer problems but this particular
problem cerainly prevented me from using the group properly for some time
besides wasting six or eight hours of quality thinking time. Mine Pete's and
AOL's. If I knew what the attaching is supposed to achieve it may help and
Graham could do with some help too, he gives us plenty with our Euopas
Any offers;explanations;guesses;thoughts:enlightenment.
Keep well all RonS No 33.