Martin, Think this is what you were after.
Tony Renshaw
P.S. 3 M distribute it.
From: D Reed <>
Subject: RE: Perspex Canopies-suitable cleaning solvents.
get yourself some DESOLVE-IT. This is a citrus based solvent that removes
just about everything The gliding fraternity use it to de bug their wings.
Havn't heard of this product here in the States,but have used spray can
furniture polish for years to do the same function,it also leaves a film of
wax on the leading edge which aids in the next bug removal.
>I didn't see the original post but it was probably talking about Goo
>Gone. We get it at our Super K Mart and it would probably do a good
>job. Our stain removal kit includes Goo Gone and De De Seven. Between
>the two there is very little that you can't get out of something - Epoxy
>excluded ;-)
>Steve Eberhart
>On 17 Aug 1997, Martin J.Tuck wrote:
>> Goo Remover
>> Not so long ago someone recommended a citrus based liquid that was very
good at
>> getting goo (from masking tape, insulating tape etc) from plexiglass
>> What was it called again? I didn't take a note of it.
>> Regards
>> Martin Tuck
>> #152
>> Wichita, Kansas