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Re: performance figures

Subject: Re: performance figures
From: Tim Ward <>
Date: Sun, 14 Sep 1997 05:20:19
Klaus Dietrich wrote:
> Date: 13. 9. 97
> OAT:  28C
> Carburator Air Temp: 45C
> Wind 340/8
> Field: LOAV
> Elev.: 780 ft
> 1.)
> Aircraft weight: 555 kg (2 on board, 20 l fuel)
> Prop: 16,7
> Static rpm: 5.050 rpm - opticaly measured  (indicated rpm: 4.800 rpm !)
> time to 1000ft agl                              ROC
> (from release of brakes)                        (IAS 65 kts clean)
>         2 min 12                                455 ft/min
>         2 min 03                                487 ft/min
> Cruise at 2.000 ft ASL: 120 kts, 5.100 rpm, fuel flow 16 l/h
> Top speed at 2.000 ft ASL: 130 kts, 5.800 rpm, fuel flow 23 l/h
> 2.)
> Aircraft weight: 598 kg (2 on board, 80 l fuel)
> Prop: 16,7
> Static rpm: 5.050 rpm - opticaly measured  (indicated rpm: 4.800 rpm)
> time to 1000ft agl                              ROC
> (from release of brakes)                        (IAS 65 kts clean)
>         3 min 08                                319 ft/min
>         3 min 03                                327 ft/min
> 3.)
> Aircraft weight: 591 kg (2 on board, 70 l fuel)
> Prop: 14,5
> Static rpm: 5.350 rpm - opticaly measured  (indicated rpm: 5.000 rpm)
> time to 1000ft agl                              ROC
> (from release of brakes)                        (IAS 65 kts clean)
>         2 min 26                                410 ft/min
>         2 min 21                                420 ft/min
> Cruise: 120 kts at 5.400 rpm, 16 l/h
> Considering the above, I have set now my prop. to 15.6 which gives me a
> good compromise for climb and cruise especially at maximum gross weight. I
> hope that the cold air supply and a VP-prop will help!
> During those test flights I have found out that my RPM indicator reads 300
> rpm too low!
> Any ideas how I could calibrate it?
> Also my VSI is indicating 200 ft/min too little. I am currently taking
> static air from behind the panel as the fuselage points did'nt give me good
> readings either. Any suggestion for a good static air point?

Although I have not instored this yet(kit 292), I have brought a combined 

tube from Aircraft Spruce to be placed, as per building manual,at the pitot 

position.Not sure you if you can instore one once wing is complete? They are 

$15.00US from Aircraft Spruce and to me seems like the logical answer with an 

source taken from the rear fuselage floor as Kim Prout has done.
Timothy. P. Ward
26 Tomes Road
Christchurch 8005
PH 64033525726
Fax 64033525726

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