How did the cloth work up the compound curve at the leading edge of the root
closeout? I would have thought the fibres would no longer slide over each
other and accomodate the compression required to get a good fit. I am about
to start this same task, but probably by the sound of it falsely concluded
that this technique wouldn't work on compound curve closeouts. I was going
to save this technique for another situation. Any advice would be
appreciated. How did the cloth go in the tight area adjacent to the trailing
edge/trim tab tip closeout? What did you use to get the cloth into this
area. I was thinking of making a flox corner, at the expense of weight, to
transition the cloth out of the trailing edge of the closeout without such
expectation of it (and me moreso!)
Tony Renshaw
Builder No.236
>Tailplane Close-outs
>Just completed the close-outs on the Stabs. A job made easy thanks to the
Graham S and
>Peter L.close-out techniques.Many thanks I used a combination of the
techniques and
>prefered the Microwave Film(in this country called Glad Wrap) as it was
less "clingy" at
>the worst moment. I mounted the Stabs between two saw horses taping the
adjoining legs
>together giving an excellent height to work around and any angle of the
core can easily
>be achieved.
>Watch out for the curve in the 3mm ply!Bend it back before inserting.
>Onto the Anti-servo tabs. Before doing the layups I attached the hinges and
>visually mounted the servos on the Tailplanes(allowing for the 3mm inset)
to see how
>much additional shaping is needed of the leading edge foam to give adequate
range of
>movement(30mm) and clearance.
>Tony, you will be pleased to know that I now throw away brushes, pots and
gone back to
>wearing gloves rather then the protection ply!!!On your return trip through
LA pick up
>some masking tape from the leading club cheap.. 6 rolls 2inch
for $7.00US.
>Timothy. P. Ward
>26 Tomes Road
>Christchurch 8005
>PH 64033525726
>Fax 64033525726