Type: monowheel N96EG
Total time pre Europa: 13000
Total taildragger time pre Europa: 150
sailplane time : 1200
Number of types flown: 35ish
T.O. rating : 4
landing rating :5
Xwind t.o. rating : 6
Xwing landing: 5
harder than a J3 Cub, eaiser than Swift
T.O. much easier than reported, just heed the warnings about keeping the
tail down until 40kts or so. and pay attention to rudder control. Landings
are MUCH eaiser with the c.g. middle or toward the aft of the range rather
than at the forward edge. It will bounce if not held off properly.( Hold
it off, keep holding it off, then hold it off some more, it will land when
it is ready! Stay on grass for you first few hours. As everyone says it
is a great flying fun a/c. It is not demanding any any phase of flight as
long as one pays attention. Read all the comments by Martin Stoner,
Graham Singleton et al, do as they advise and have fun!