>Interested in feed back on Flettner Strips? I have some balsa wood as per
>manual however I would be interested in other materials builders used.I
>looked at plastic alternatives such as plastic triangular strips used for
>report cover from a stationary shop or wallboard plastic finishing
>strips. Both are 12mm wide but only 6mm in depth. What did other builders
>use? Tim
The factory used the plastic report cover strips you mentioned above, but I
couldn't see how to avoid the plastic add on look so I opted for the
triangular balsa method. This was really easy to do and could be blended in
just nicely with the rest of the tab, only taking a couple of hours of work
to make a really good looking finish, which was just as well, because I
forgot to do it until after the plane was sprayed. I did the job two weeks
ago and the resprayed tabs look just fine.
Dave Watts 229. Finished everything yesterday, so engine runs and final
inspections this week (and a club newsletter to get out!!!).