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Ready to saddle up . . .

Subject: Ready to saddle up . . .
From: Robert L. Nuckolls III <>
Date: Thu, 9 Oct 1997 12:18:25
Had to curtail my list-server activities just before OSH and we've
been swamped with some fly-ins and weekend seminar activities
since then.  Things are quieting down and I'd like to renew my
activities on this list server.  In the interim, I've archived
off the files I used to have which listed protocols for "subscribing"
to the various lists . . . 

I could dig out the tape and figure it out but I thought I might
prevail on some kind soul(s) to drop me a short message with the
protocol for this list.

Now that our website is up and running well, I'll not post the lengthy
pieces I used to.  Instead, I'll put up notices from time to time to
let people know where they can find the information should they choose
to review it.

I'll invite readers to check out several new pieces posted since
OSH 97 . . . 




In the mean time, some information on how to "saddle up" on this
list would be appreciated.

      Bob . . .
      AeroElectric Connection

                     (o o)
      |                               |
      | Go ahead, make my day . . . . |
      |   Show me where I'm wrong.    |

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