Flying Hi - Wish I was
> From: Graham Singleton <>
> Subject: Re: The great breaker debate . . .Yeahbut.....
> Date: 10 October 1997 19:28
> >> (1) Name one item of electrical equipment critical to safe completion
> Electronic Ignition on my Lycoming
> of flight . . . or an item who's failure presents an immediate
> Electric A/H if I get stuck above cloud
> hazard to completion of flight.
Not that I ever would be above cloud in my Europa of coarse because thats
not legal. Not even in France where its legal for the French but not for me
because it exceeds the conditions of my UK licence???
( Jerry )
> (2) List the ways in which this device or system might fail.
> Tell me
> (3) How will each of these failures become obvious to the pilot.
> Engine quits or airplane goes upside down
> regards Graham