I recently discovered that two front exhaust pipes (front and rear on left
side) have burned through in their bent radius at the engine side.
I have now 70 hours on the engine and I suppose that it burned through
since the last 10 to 20 hours, according the size of the hole. I must admit
that I had the ThermoTec lagging on the pipes right up to the cylinder
heads so I didn't see when it started. But I still believe that this is
not normal after such a short time; could it be the material?
Would it be better to have the pipes in stainless steel (as the silencer
In addition, I can not separate the front tubes from the main silencer box
because they seem to have melted together; neither heating nor brute force
did help so far to get the tubes out.
Any advise? Should I order a completely new exhaust assembly including
pipes (if possible in stainless steel) and silencer and keep my "old"
silencer as a spare part?