> Anyone had any experience of getting the old plexiglass out? I have
>feeling that the redux used to bond it in is going to be stronger than the
>door frame.
Yes, here is someone with experience...
Mine cracked when I tried to lift it at one spot in order to remove some
material that prevented the windows from being flush with the rest of the
door. (BTW a window will cost you some 180 $).
The window comes off real easy with heat. As any epoxy, Redux will give to
heat and loose the bond. I started at one corner with a hairdrayer and once
started walked a Screwdriver alongside. Approx 3 cm / second should keep the
heat down at the surrounding structure and weaken the Redux sufficiently to
lift the window off.
Tell me what you do with the broken one. I still can't throw mine away...
=== did high speed taxi (40 kn) today and veered off the runway only once. ===