Presumably others have noticed that the first action of the movement of the
anti-servotab is an elevator action. Quite disconcerting when trying for
accurate level flight, as there is a noticeable delay before the tailplane
moves as required and the aircraft pitches the other way as demanded. As
this will depend on friction mostly (inertia being small and the same for
all) this could vary between builders, and depend of the state of
lubrication. It would be worth measuring. High static friction would of
course prevent it acting at all. Dynamic friction is not easy to measure on a
limited motion part.
Input of small movements from the switch (a connected but different problem)
would be eased by lowering the motor rate, electrically or mechanically, but
at other times one wants more rapid movement. Perhaps a high rate and a low
rate rocker side by side would be an answer.
Graham C G-EMIN