>My name is Soo-Mi Kim working for Korea Aerospace Reserach Institute.
>We will plan to join to a project for HALE(High Altitude Long Endurance)
>aircraft in near future.
>My field is about propulsion system. We must select and purchase the
>suitable engine for our HALE aircraft. So, I need some information for
>propulsion system of HALE aircraft.
>Can I get some specification and performance of the ROTAX engines that
>is suitable for the HALE aircraft?
>Or do you have any list(including address, fax number, and phone number
>or other contact point) of engine manufacturer for HALE aircraft?
>If you have any, let me know the information, please.
>I will wait for your response. Thank you.
>Dear Mr Soo-Mi,
Further to your e-mail requesting information on Rotax engines for your
high altitude aircraft, I assure you are looking for specification for the
Rotax 914 engine 100HP (max continous).
Please contact :
Bombardier-Rotax Gmbh
A-4263 Gunskirchen
Welser Strabe 32
Have you considered a turboprop engine? Typically -(inthe same HP range)
Garret JF5 100 turboshaft engine?
P.O. Box 607
Rte 113
PA 19442
They do a turboprop (300hp) for their seawind seaplane.
For a jet engine try Williams FJ44.
I hope this is of some help to you.
Best regards
Jason Russell
Aeronautical Engineer