> Hi,
> Excuse my intrusion here you might think I'm butting in where I'm not
> wanted since, having lurked for a while, I can tell you are all
> experienced pilots/builders;
And if you believe that I have a large Harbour Bridge I would like to sell
you :-) Many of us are building for the first time and some have yet to get
their PPL!
The UK builders can give you a sensible answer to your questions :-)
Tony Krzyzewski tonyk@kaon.co.nz
Managing Director Ph 64 9 520 4631
Kaon Technologies Fx 64 9 520 3321
Auckland New Zealand
Networkers visit www.kaon.co.nz
Aviators visit www.kaon.co.nz/europa/272index.html
and www.kaon.co.nz/saanz/