What is the status of the BMW and Jabiru engines. It seems we skipped right
over those (which I assume should be fitted and flying by now) and are now
talking about a JPX! The BMW engine for example is $5000.00 new here in
the US (sans propeller and transmission) a considerable savings over Rotax
and though I only saw one reference to the cost of Jubiru and if memory
serves it was $4000 AUS. Both enginges are reputed to be excellent quality.
Does anyone out there know their status?
>. Dyn Aero are currently fitting one to an MCR01 so
>>I'll soon know how it compares with the 912. Next year JPX promise a
>>magnesium alloy engine of 90/95 hp that is lighter than their current 85hp
>Just to add to the confusion (-which engine shall I fit?) Rotax are bringing
>out a 100 hp version of the 912 (non-turbo)
>With perhaps 9 months to go before I have to make a choice, it should be all
>the more confusing (unless Jabiru light the fuse on the 6 cylinder