Re my earlier note on copper slip. Ensure the pipes are not likeley to slip
apart. It can be very embarressing.
I am not sure that the Ban-bi exhaust (proposed by Graham) would fit a
Europa. The Ban-bi installation is very tight and the first silencer passes
close behind the back of the 912. Also at over 1000 pounds before VAT it is
not cheap. I am trying to decide whether to go for the French stainless
exhaust or having one made here. There is a possibility that I could bring
one back from France and offer it up to a Europa if there seemed sufficient
interest. Apart from a very minor problem (see note above) I am not aware
of any corrosion or cracking problems on the Ban-bi.
It may be better and cheaper to copy Graham's system using what I think is
a standard system with extra support.
> From: Graham Singleton <>
> Subject: Re: exhaust pipe "failures"
> Date: 27 October 1997 00:18
> >>why can't Europa's manufacturer make them anymore? Apperently they did
> the very first exhausts in stainless
> steel and then stopped.<<
> Grussen Klaus. they had a couple of cracked down pipes, probably caused
> unbalanced props and the weight of the silencer. The makers got
> at the risk of product liability and decided mild steel was the answer.
> WRONG !?! {:-)
> In a recent Sport Aviation there was a very nice 4 into 1 exhaust on a
> Kitfox, bit of a waste but no matter. That would be nice. There is also a
> nice but different 4 into 1 on a certain French plane from Dijon. I'm
> Christoph Robin would give you a price.
> Easiest answer is to return to stainless but support the weight of the
> exhaust system at the rear from the lower engine mount tube. Tested so
> to 130 hours on GK Whip. Our exhausts are wrapped up to the cylinder head
> and are stainless.
> Graham