To put a few figures and details on our first flights with G-BXDY.
APS weight 782.7 lbs. CofG at 58.24 (although within limits we will have to
move the battery back to make it more safe for loading, although the new
tailwheel which we have just received will help)
All Ts and Ps well within limits although it was quite a cold day at 1C
EGTs 750C. CHT 130C. Oil temp 110C. Oil pressure 55psi.
Rate of climb 1 up 1100fmp. 2 up and half tank (25stone/350lb) 900fpm.
The airspeed indictor seems to be about 10kts out due mainly to the pitot,
which we have retrofitted into the current manuals position. So at this
stage until we compare to the GPS, no airspeeds, although we can say the
stalls were straight forward with a slight buffet before the stall still
with no stall strips fitted, which we hope to during tomorrows testing.
Peter kept saying that it felt a lot faster and and cleaner than his
aircraft typified by the pattern work when it just did not want to slow
down, having to be throttled back a lot more than he is used to. Similarly
at the flare he felt that it wanted to float on a lot more.
I will try and put out some more figures tomorrow after we have hopefully
put the final 3 hours on the testing program.
Dave Watts 229