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Re: Tailwheel Alternative?

Subject: Re: Tailwheel Alternative?
From: Tony Krzyzewski <>
Date: Fri, 7 Nov 1997 10:21:20

> Am I missing something here on the new tailwheel? .......

I received a letter detailing the XS and included in that was a price list 
showing various bits to "upgrade" the mark 1 to the XS. The tailwheel mod is 
GBP140 and the bulkhead mod is GBP400. If you didn't receive it, don't worry 
- it's just paranoia :-)

...... since in  sense they are learning from new, does it really matter what 
the tail wheel configuration is? 

---From all accounts the new one is considerably easier to takeoff and land 
and certainly makes the aircraft more like anything anyone is likely to learn 
taildragging on.

As one who is part way through a taildragger conversion I know difficult it 
can be unlearning all the bad habits that you build up flying tricycle 
undercarriage aircraft. I thought I was reasonably competent at landing an 
aircraft but the Cessna 180 turned me into a gibbering idiot. With 5 hours of 
circuits and some 40 landings under my belt I can get it on the ground well 
enough that I may get to go solo next flight. I have budgetted for 20 hours 
of circuits to really hammer this thing out. Taking off and landing in any 
taildragger takes practice and the Europa is no exception.

Tony Krzyzewski
Managing Director  Ph 64 9 520 4631
Kaon Technologies  Fx 64 9 520 3321
Auckland           New Zealand

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