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Re: Flying: play in aileron hinges

Subject: Re: Flying: play in aileron hinges
From: Europa <>
Date: Wed, 19 Nov 1997 08:09:41
>1. Aileron hinges
>During my preflight check I discovered that I had some play on the left
>outside aileron hinge.
>The play is in the vertical plane and I discovered it by pushing the
>aileron upwards at a point close to the hinge. I can then move the aileron
>at the tip end up and down for almost 1,0 mm !! 
>I have the feeling that due to vibration the aileron hinge pin has somewhat
>enlarged the hinge hole - my guess would be that the hinge has enlarged
>holes of 0.5 mm. There is almost no play on the hinges at the root. 
>On the right aileron hinge there is also some play at the wing tip hinge,
>but I would say only half as much as on the left side.
>I do have now 75,5 total houres flown with 123 landings. About half of it
>flown alone. 
>Could it be that during taxying and on each landing, the aileron hinge  has
>to support some up and downwards forces and/or vibrations especialy on its
>tip ? (high weight of aieron with balance weight!)
>Does any one had similar experiences ?
>In any case I will take the ailerons off the wings and will try to get the
>hinges out for inspection next week...I hope this can be done without too
>much destruction of the aileron... (one side of the hinge is riveted and
>epoxied in....)
>Any suggestions are welcomed.
>2.) Oil tank mounting bracket:
>My bracket got some cracks at the bent line which is close to the curve
>where the oil tank sits. Cracks where on the top and bottom. 
>Probably my bend radius where too sharp but I think that the whole bracket
>gets a lot of vibration. Maybe when sustained in the middle of the central
>wide portion aigainst the footwell with some rubber could be a solution to
>stop the vibrattions.
>Any advise?
Vibration can do a lot of damage, over time, and it's not very pleasant to
fly for long periods in a vibrating environment even though you may have
got used to it.  

I would strongly suggest that you get the propeller/spinner combination
balanced.  We have carried out dynamic propeller balancing on a number of
Europas, and the results are always surprising.



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