>>at the moment I've got my arm up the beast - vetinary
experience seems more important than what the MCP suggestion in the
manual proposes.<<
It pays to cut a hole in the sternpost 12 inches up from the bottom to just
below the middle hinge.Before cutting the unspection hole , layup it's
flange, drill the six screw holes and a couple for Clecos to relocate the
flange afterwards. Then crack it off and carefully cut the hole with a
Stanley knife. Use the "biscuit " you now have for the cover.( Flox fill
all the edges including those of the holes.)
After you have finished all the veterinary work flox the flange back on and
you're almost there.
When you get to fly it CAREFUL. If the grass is wet you won't have much
steering. If you use the brake None. This applies even if you haven't done
the mod.