I thought the Jabiru 120 HP was not yet available; the U. S. dealer at Oshkosh
'97 told me production was about a year away. That usually means much longer.
Also, I am suspicious of these high-revving powerplants. The performance
specs on the Jabiru kitplane, with the Jabiru 80 HP, don't look good at all.
Conversation on the Internet newsgroup rec.aviation.homebuilt suggests that at
the same HP, high-revving engines w/o a reduction drive aren't as effective
power at 75% power. Prop diameter is one of the issues.
I have time yet to select an engine, too. Any thoughts on the Jabiru? Are
there 80 HP Jabiru Europas flying and what is their performance?
Regards --
Fred Fillinger, A063
Mentor, OH, USA