>Hi All
>Can anyone tell me how the trailer for the tri-gear differs from the
>standard trailer. And indeed, is it a completely different design, size and
>shape. Do you have dimensions and information on the overhang of the
>aircraft, how it is mounted how high it stands on its trailer etc. etc.
>We are at decision time now. The wings are half complete and now is the
>last practical time for changing our minds on the configuration.
>Cheers all
>/////Eddie Hatcher, Bill Lams and Nick Crisp//////
>//////////South East London Flying Group////////////
>\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\0181 265 4053\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
>Dear Eddie,
Thank you for your recent correspondence regarding the Europa trailer.
Unfortunately, at the moment there is no trailer for our Europa Trigear.
Some of our builders us a flat bed trailer. However we are in the process
of updating our range of trailers, in the hope of offering Monowheel and
trigear trailers both openair or covered. We hope to have this new range
mid summer and keep you posted on the subject.
Kindest regards
Lauren Charvet