>These mods are a nuisance but really Europa have no choice do they?
I think that compared with how many mandatory mods have been required on
the new Cessna 172, Europa are not doing too badly. Remember that Clyde &
Co have been pushing 172s out the door (well, intermittently) for over 40
years and they _still_ haven't figured out how to make 'em right! I quote
below a relevant item from AVFLASH:
>Yet another AD has been issued on the new Cessna singles. Turns out the
>identification placard for the alternate static source of the new Cessna
>172R and 182S may have been installed such that it blocks that port,
>rendering it ineffective. Since having an alternate air source is a
>really good idea for IFR flight (not to mention the regulatory
>requirements), the FAA has issued an AD prohibiting IFR ops until the
>system has been checked. In addition to the placard problem, Cessna
>cautions that the air valve body may separate from the valve flange, and
>the AD requires repair or replacement of that valve. Meanwhile, keep a
>hammer handy to smash that VSI faceplate.
> NOTE: AVweb's NewsWire includes the full text of the AD on the
> alternate static source. You might also want to read Mike Busch's
> reflections on the recent spate of ADs issued on the new Cessnas.
> <http://www.avweb.com/toc/atis.html>
... that's Rowland with a 'w' ...