> Can anyone supply the formula/s for calculating the applied force on a
> flight control, so that I may be able to do a load analysis on using teflon
> sleeved hinges with the consequent reduced pin diameter. If the areas of
> ailerons,rudder, and trim tabs is also known this would also be hand At the
> same time if anyone knows the forum address for the Longeze/Varieze builders
> I would appreciate getting it also.Thanks
> Reg
> Tony Renshaw
> Builder No.236
I looked in my directory of airplane design software, and to my suprise
found "consfc8.exe", for calculating forces on control surfaces. Would
you like this? What would be a good way to transfer it?
BTW, the program got the formulas from :
_Low Power Laminar Aircraft Structures_ by Alex Strojnik
bra-uchfu@NOSPAMpcocd2.intel.com like the artist paints his dreams on
(remove - and NOSPAM) a canvas" - Minor Detail